National Geographic Learning Usability Test
Participant Survey
Author: Mary Schwab
1. Please tell us your name: [short answer form field]
2. What is your age? [select one]
Under 18 years old
18 – 24 years old
25 – 34 years old
35 – 44 years old
45 – 54 years old
55 – 64 years old
65 years or older
3. What gender do you identify as? [select one]
Gender nonconforming/non-binary
Prefer not to answer
4. This study is focused on blind or visually impaired people who use a laptop or desktop computer regularly. What type of laptop or desktop do you use on a regular basis? [select all that apply]
Windows desktop
Windows laptop
Apple desktop (Mac)
Apple laptop (Macbook)
Other, please specify
5. What types of assistive technology do you currently use on the laptop or desktop device(s) you selected in the previous question? [select all that apply]
Android TalkBack with screen reader
VoiceOver for Mac
Screen magnifier
Refreshable braille display
Other, please specify
6. How many years have you used your current assistive technology? [short answer form field]
7. What internet browser do you use on your device? [select all that apply]
Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge
Other, please specify
8. Please describe how you learned to use your assistive technology [select all that apply]
Self taught
Received professional training
Other, please specify
9. If you are selected for this study, we will contact you via email. Your email will be used exclusively for this purpose. Please enter your email address: [short answer form field]